Loneliness NZ

Meaning of solitude

Solitude is being alone in your own head space; enjoying your own company, and giving yourself quality time to reflect. Usually you are physically separate from others. Solitude is a positive state, and you can feel its positive effects being beneficial for you. The benefits of solitude include being able to:

  • step away from everyday pressures;
  • being able to think through specific problems, or prepare for challenges;
  • become in tune with your own feelings.

Most people can be in solitude for hours, others for a few days. It is rare for people to be in true solitude for much longer, as you are no longer in solitude if you start dwelling on negative thoughts, feeling alone, feeling socially or emotionally isolated.

It’s an acquired skill being able to be in a state of healthy solitude, and balancing the time of gaining benefit for yourself rather than actively avoiding people in an unhealthy way.

Loneliness NZ uses the term solitude to convey when a person is coping well with being alone (whether they are grappling with another issue or not).

We help people value solitude, and how to achieve solitude in a sustainable way. For more information, see ‘I’m feeling lonely‘. 

The benefits of solitude

These are some of the benefits of solitude.

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Spending time alone allows you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and actions without external distractions. This self-reflection fosters a deeper understanding of yourself and your motivations.
  • Improved Creativity: Solitude provides an environment free from external influences, allowing your mind to wander and explore new ideas. Many creative breakthroughs happen during periods of solitude when the mind is free to make unexpected connections.
  • Enhanced Concentration: Without the distractions of others, you can focus more intensely on tasks at hand, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Stress Reduction: Solitude offers a break from the pressures and demands of social interactions, providing a calming effect that reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation.
  • Increased Independence: Time spent alone encourages self-reliance and strengthens your ability to enjoy your own company, fostering a sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
  • Opportunity for Reflection: Solitude allows you to process experiences, evaluate choices, and set goals without external influence, leading to greater clarity and purpose in life.
  • Rejuvenation: Taking breaks from social interactions can recharge your mental and emotional batteries, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
  • Improved Relationships: Spending time alone allows you to recharge and reflect on your relationships, leading to healthier interactions and deeper connections with others when you do engage socially.
  • Freedom for Personal Growth: Solitude provides a space for personal exploration and experimentation, enabling you to discover new interests, passions, and aspects of yourself.
  • Better Decision-Making: With solitude comes the opportunity for introspection and careful consideration, which can lead to more thoughtful and informed decision-making.

Related terms

One way to further understand what solitude means is to explore related terminology (by selecting one of the coloured rectangles below).

These terms may or may not overlap with the meaning of solitude, but give further insight into the nature of being alone, loneliness and various forms of isolation.